
Discover the extraordinary journey of Anand Kumar, the man behind Super 30, who has revolutionized the way underprivileged students prepare for the IIT-JEE exams.

Last Updated: 10/19/2023

The Genius Behind Super 30

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Anand Kumar: A Visionary Educator

Anand Kumar, the man behind Super 30, has revolutionized the way underprivileged students in India access quality education. Born in a small town in Bihar, Kumar faced numerous challenges growing up. However, his passion for mathematics and his determination to make a difference in the lives of others led him to establish Super 30, a highly successful coaching institute. Through Super 30, Kumar provides free coaching to 30 talented students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, helping them secure admission to prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

Kumar's journey is an inspiring one, as he himself faced financial hardships while pursuing his education. Despite the obstacles, he excelled in mathematics and secured admission to the prestigious Cambridge University. This experience motivated him to give back to society by providing opportunities for deserving students who lack the means to pursue higher education.

Super 30 has gained global recognition for its remarkable success in coaching students from humble backgrounds. The institute's success rate in getting students admitted to IITs is unmatched, and it has become a beacon of hope for countless aspiring engineers from underprivileged communities.

In this blog post, we will delve into Anand Kumar's background, his vision for Super 30, and the impact he has made in the field of education. Join us as we explore the remarkable journey of the genius behind Super 30.

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Anand Kumar is a renowned mathematician and educator who has revolutionized the way mathematics is taught. With his passion for teaching and dedication to students, he has transformed the lives of countless individuals. This about page explores his journey, his impact on education, and the legacy he is leaving behind.



Discover the extraordinary journey of Anand Kumar, the man behind Super 30, who has revolutionized the way underprivileged students prepare for the IIT-JEE exams.

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